Persuasive Essay: Should NASA Be Defunded?

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On (Preposition) February 21, 1967, the Apollo 1 capsule ignited (Verb) while still on the launch pad, killing three of NASA’s most prestigious astronauts. Incidents like this leave many analysts wondering: why is NASA (Noun) still being funded? NASA being defunded is only logical. After all, money spent on NASA could be spent on other, more productive causes. Also, private corporations are quickly (Adverb) replacing government agencies. Lastly, space is extremely dangerous. NASA should be defunded. In the first place (Transition), money spent on NASA is essentially wasted, and (Conjunction) could be spent on other campaigns. Renewable resources are crucial to the survival of the human race, because according to NASA, unchecked greenhouse effect can lead to the hellish (Adjective) landscape of Venus. Even though it (Pronoun) is currently hot …show more content…

The largest, and possibly most crucial, company is SpaceX. According to the official NASA launch schedule, eight of the thirteen launches NASA made last year were from SpaceX, also Orbital ATK (another private space company) was awarded three. This means NASA only launched two of their own rockets. What are taxpayers giving their $54 to NASA every year for, if not launches? Even after a launch failure in early September 2016, NASA spokesperson Tabatha Thompson said, “We (NASA) remain confident in our commercial partners.” Even after a multi-billion dollar failure, NASA’s faith is unwavering. The next major leap of faith for NASA may be on SpaceX’s new concept: the Falcon Heavy. Towering 230 feet high, it will be the second most powerful rocket ever, only falling short to the Saturn V. If SpaceX, only 15 years old, nearly has one of the most powerful rockets ever, what will they come up with next. What is the point of NASA, if they are being replaced so quickly by private

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