Persuasive Essay On Inaccurate Animal Testing

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Testing cosmetics on animals is a type of animal testing used to test the safety and hypoallergenic properties of products that are used by humans (Testing, 1). Due to the harm done to the animal tested subjects; this test has become a controversy disputes to the overall rights to all animals. It is also unfair for the animals to be brought into a world and not be able to live because humans “need” the cosmetic products. Animal testing should be completely outlawed or modified to where animals would not suffer because of its inhumane treatments, cruel deaths from inaccurate tests, and expenses.
First off, animal testing is inhumane with their treatments. Animals will endure being restrained and have the ability of their freedom taken away from them.This practice has become particularly controversial, because animals mostly experience suffering, discomfort, and would eventually die all for the sake of beauty products. Most of the testing that is performed are not necessary. The multiple varieties of tests include repeated force feeding, skin irritation, and eye irritation (Fact, 1). Also, animals endure being poisoned with toxins that potentially kill them because of the toxins entering their body. This is terrible because animals are suffering and dying in vain by being subjects in dangerous tests that do not have direct human benefits. …show more content…

By having inaccurate results the animals will die. This then leads to having to buy another animal; have the same process that could undergo the same inaccurate results before they get a good enough test for their products. Animal tests also have limitations because different types of animals can respond individually throughout the procedures. When exposed to the same chemicals; no animal is exactly the same. After the testing procedure is done and the animals somehow have survived they will kill them

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