Persuasive Essay Against Bullfighting

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Deathly Entertainment In this position paper, I’d like to express my opinion on a topic about a topic that’s very inhumane and cruel and that has been going on for years. Bullfighting. In Spanish it translates to “corrida de toros”. It’s considered a blood sport, and consists of a bullfighter (torero) that tries to kill a bull using multiple swords. It’s mostly known for being practiced in Spain, but it also originates from Latin American countries like Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, as well as Southern France, Portugal, India, and Tanzania. It’s absolutely heartless to practice this “sport” to be legal, and should be banned due be to the huge suffering of the bulls. It’s crazy and disappointing to see such violent spectacle been practiced for fun even though we’re on the 21st century. It gives a really bad image of …show more content…

The only reason the bulls act like that is because of the horrible abuse and suffering they’ve been through even before entering the bullring, as I mentioned before. The bull you see is a disturbed, weak, and destroyed animal, and that’s why he reacts in an angry way, but it’s all fault of the people in charge of bullfighting. The whole act is supposed to last for about 20 minutes, until the bull is killed, and finally his torture and suffering ends. The reason why this horrible act is legal is because it’s part of their “culture”. In the research I made said that they also practice it to defend themselves from evils. In my opinion, t’s a very vague and immature excuse, because no other life should be harmed or taken away from a living thing just because “it’s cultural appropriation”. They also use that dumb excuse for other things like defending female circumcision. They have to accept it’s wrong and should be banned from doing it, either by the government or other countries that want to stop

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