Personal Narrative: The Epilepsy Of My Body

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I was 6 years old when I found out I had epilepsy. My mom was sitting at her desk on the phone with her, then boyfriend. I was laid out across the couch asleep. When I awoke, I felt my face begin to tingle and gradually my entire to shake. I was aware of my surroundings, but yet, I couldn’t control my body. I was panicking because there was nothing I could do, I recall peeing on myself. My mother panicked because she hadn’t experienced this before. She quickly hung up on her now, husband and called 911. A year later, when I was 7 I had another grand mal seizure. That was the last one, but I continued to have focal seizures until I was about 8 or 9. Once that ceased, I thought it was all over but it wasn’t. Years later, at 15, I moved

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