Personal Narrative: The Doe That Got Away

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The Doe That Got Away We had seen nothing all day except one or two does too far out. From 5:30 am to 2:00 pm nothing. We decided to walk Toad Creek as our last resort of the day. My older brother Justin and I walked the creek and small woods while my dad sat by our 4 wheeler on the west side of the woods, the way we were walking. My uncle was south side with my uncle’s friend Chris. We walked the woods and nothing came out, so we walked the rest of the creek on the one side of the road. BANG! BANG! BANG! We finally kicked up 2 good sized does. My dad shot both. One lay dead about 40 feet in front of him skid marks behind her. The other was nowhere to be seen. Dad knew that he had shot her but we didn’t see her. We met up with everybody to decide what to do. We decided to bring the doe we had back to my grandpa’s house and then go search the other woods across the road for her. …show more content…

Dad drove and I sat behind him and held on to her legs. We finally made it to grandpa’s house and dropped her on the concrete pad next to one of the sheds, and we went up to the house to explain why we were going to be late for supper. We drove back over to where we had met up with everybody and decided that we were going to search the small woods behind my house for her because that is the direction that she ran. I walked over there with Justin and we walked a little more of the creek and didn’t find her but we did kick up another doe. We walked the woods and the creek more but still didn’t find her. We searched past the hunting time, but still couldn’t find her. I drove our 4 wheeler with Justin, Dad, Uncle Nick, Chris, and Grandpa riding along. We had to go up a hill that was at about a 45 degree angle. Our 4 wheeler wasn’t happy that we had to do that. We went back to the trucks, and then we drove back to my grandpa’s

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