Personal Narrative: Runnin Running

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The soothing warmth of the sun’s breath. The crispy crunches of glowing grass. The untainted smell of verdant leaves. It’s all pure bliss for me as I run through Carver County Park enjoying the quietness of solitude. Nothing but fresh air and the silent whispers of an oncoming breeze. A sudden crack in the woods? Just a distressed deer or a spooked squirrel. It's only me out here for miles, enjoying every inch of nature. This is heaven to me. When I joined cross country in the fall of 8th grade, I fell in love with the outdoors. It was an escape for me. An outlet for a day's stress. A hermitage for my introverted self to hide in. The other runners would go out with their friends and talk about the last football game or how terrible a teacher was making their life. Meanwhile, I was out there running by myself, taking all the sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors. My teammates and my coach thought me reclusive even for a runner. I agreed and kept on absorbing as much as nature could give. …show more content…

As I became more concerned about physical fitness, I found it harder to workout anywhere but in parks and nature trails. I soon began hiking and biking when I wasn't running for the pleasure of being outside. Whenever the snow of a Minnesota winter blankets the state, I take out my cross-country skis and immerse myself in the whitewashed landscape. Once the snow melts and the heat of summer returns, I hop into my kayak and paddle myself down the Rum River for hours. It doesn't matter if I'm alone or out with a friend. The weather is never a problem - rain or shine I'll be out taking in my surroundings. Fresh air is a daily necessity for my happiness. Up until now I have spent hours every week of the year reveling in

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