Personal Narrative: October Baby

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I had a relatively normal childhood. To the age of nine everything was “normal”. As I grew, I found out I wasn’t normal. In the next few years, I would grow and mature a lot quicker than most children. There were many maturing experiences I went through in the following years. Two experiences in particular still follow me and will follow me till the day I die. Around the age of ten, my mother and I watched a movie called “October Baby”. “October Baby” is a movie about a young girl that finds out that she was “aborted” as a baby. On a whim, later that day I asked my mother if she had tried to abort me, she said no. Then I asked her a question, that sometimes I still which I hadn’t asked, I asked my mother If she had, had an abortion. She continued in a solemn and pained voice to tell me she had, had two abortions. I was utterly shocked, I had no clue how to react. I was so upset, I didn’t talk to my mother for days. As I actually matured, I forgave my mom for having the abortions and told her I’m sorry for how I reacted. …show more content…

I don’t remember how the question came up, but I remember the answer. I think, I asked my mother a question along the lines of, “Mom, who is my dad?”. I knew from a younger age, that the man my mother married, was not my biological father. What she replied with broke my heart into a million pieces. My mother told me she became a Christian before she became pregnant with me. She used to work out, at a gym, near the college and met a guy. She was trying to be nice to him, but he took her being nice, the wrong way. She continued to tell me that he had raped in law school and that’s how she became pregnant with me. “What!” “Wait!” “I was the product of a rape!” I was so hurt and confused at the time. I was still dealing with the last unnecessary question I had asked and now I had to deal with

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