Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Globe Hospital

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Chapter Three: Jacob

I looked at my parents as they went over the form with me before we left for the airport. “It says you will be visiting the Globe Theatre just outside of London,” my father said. “I went there and saw a play when I studied at Oxford.” “Are you excited?” My mom asked. I looked at her, a pang of fear in my heart. “I’m more nervous that I’m going to get lost in the streets of London. But I am going to a foreign country, so I’m pretty excited.” I secretly thought that this trip would be better with any other teacher, but Spinks had to go. I put my luggage in the back of our truck, and my dad started driving. I thought of all the things that we would do, besides go to the Globe Theatre. We were supposed to watch several plays there. Romeo and Juliet was one, then Hamlet, and were were supposed to finish up with Much Ado About Nothing. I was excited at the prospect of seeing these plays, but also scared. …show more content…

The school just gave all this trip money to Mr. Spinks. Instead of new books, or more chromebooks, or better food. It was pretty shifty. As I looked out across O’Hare Airport in Chicago, the reality hit me. I was going across an ocean from my parents. I felt sad, and even more nervous than before. I hugged my dad, and then went through security. It took several minutes, but everything I had turned out not to be a

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