Personal Narrative: My Trip To Ohio

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When I went to Wisconsin,Dells,the atmosphere was great..Being there was like being in Ohio. I traveled to Wisconsin,Dells with my step dad’s family..At first,I didn’t to go,but I wanted to experience another state other than Ohio.I had the chance to experience the new state of Wisconsin that had been totally different from the state of Ohio. While traveling to Wisconsin,I had chosen to write down what I might see when I got there.Writing about a place I had never seen before wasn’t hard, because all I had to do was use my imagination.I had imagined sitting in front of a breath-taking sunset.The cool air felt like cool a ocean breeze,the amazing view;had looked like a scene from a movie.Every image in my head, I wrote down hoping I would see it when we got there. As we drove into the state of Wisconsin,I was had felt over-joyed.I had seen this power to power glistening waterfall.The waterfall pushed me away with the tremendous and titanic breeze it gave away.It looked so smoothly,it made me want to touch it..I walked up to the waterfall,and I stuck my hand in the cool water as it took over my whole hand.The water was as cold as ice.I let the water run in between my fingers.I closed my eyes again,and just had no complete thoughts.Everything I was feeling,thinking,wondering,in that moment my mind was blank.It was something about this water

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