Personal Narrative: My Role In A Mock Trial

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What was my role in a mock trial? I was a juror on both days to be exact. My job was to take notes and listen to both sides of the case, the prosecution and the defense team. I thought that being a juror would be fun, but it’s really not. Its hard to judge somebody knowing that your decision would prove this person guilty or not guilty, and knowing that your decision will change this person’s life forever. This is what happens to a juror/ jury when they’re listening to a case and then have to decide on a verdict. In the trial of Friar Lawrence, he had four charges: 1) Involuntary Manslaughter 2) Prescribing Medicine Without A License 3) Assisting Suicide 4) Failure to Report a Dead Body. On the first day of the trial the prosecution came to the stand with Friar Lawrence and asked “do you know what was in the potion you gave Juliet?” his response “no …show more content…

Another thing that I think went really well is how the reporters were asking very good questions after the trials and how witnesses were able to answer the questions given to them without stuttering. All in all I think the trial went completely well, there were a few mess ups here and there but we made it through them. Not everything can be perfect, right? They weren't horrible mess ups so it’s fine. Everything can be improved right? What is something that can be improved in a mock trial? I think one thing that could be improved is where we were during the mock trial. There was allot of noise and distractions, and it was hard to hear what witnesses, prosecution and defense were saying. I think another thing that could have been changed is how many jurors there are I think there should have been so many the first day and so many the next, and have whoever wasn't in the jury an audience member, but have them take notes of course. That way it doesn't get boring to

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