Personal Narrative: My Interview With California Girls State

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Being in the top ten ranking for academics in my school gave me the opportunity to interview for California Girls State. Out of the five girls who were given an interview, I was the only one chosen to attend and represent my city of Gonzales. My plethora amount of well rounded participation in several clubs, programs, and volunteer work impressed all the interviewers which made me the most qualified delegate of my school. However, at California Girls State, the top girls representing their school or city from all over California attended. No girl there was better than the other because on paper we were all president of clubs, all had a mass amount of volunteer work, and all had high GPAs. The intense competition of running for office at California Girls State was more than The first question was, “Have you ever traveled out of the country?”. All the girls answered confidently about all the countries they have visited and even added stories about their travels. Every girl there had the opportunity to visit countries across the ocean. As my turn reached and they tossed the ball to me, I answered honestly, “ I have never been out of the country”. In response, a girl questions, “What about Mexico?” suggesting that because of my mexican background I had visited Mexico. All the girls began to giggle and I remember thinking that I could not last an entire week amongst those girls. The hour went by and all I learned about my floor mates was that their school and town offered so much compared to mine. Every conversation started during that first hour was a battle about who was the best. I realized how I did not belong but had to make myself stand out and use my differences to my advantage. So, I began to show who I was and did not let any intimidation bring me down. During my time at California Girls State, I ran for office positions, was involved in many debates, and befriended

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