Personal Narrative: My First Job

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If you look at me you may think I’m lazy, or that I would rather work behind a counter at a store than work with my hands, just by seeing the way I act or dress. But what you may not know is that I know how to drive several different machines, like a skid steer, or that I’ve helped build a treehouse and a deck, or that I make my money from lawn care and and small jobs. My very first job was working with my neighbor helping him around his property. I started out by just raking and picking weeds, but I soon learned many to do new tasks. When my neighbor bought a bobcat zero-turn ride-on lawn mower, he should me how it runs and how the grass should be cut with it. My first cut on the mower did not end so well, I finished most of the lawn and …show more content…

I like to learn new things all the time and building stuff is one of my favorite things to learn how to do. While helping build the tree house I learned a lot of new skills in having to level everything out and making sure everything is right and not to screw up My boss is just starting to redo his deck and it’s very fun to help, like just the other day I got to put in beam braces under the deck. I had very little work space which made it super hard to maneuver around and put in the nails, although it made it more fun. I enjoy my job, it’s super fun although some days can be slow, I’m always doing something, and the best part is that I don’t have to stand behind a register or desk and give a fake smile to customers. I find so much peace and fun while doing what I do, and when I get older I want a job that I’ll enjoy just as much as the job I do now. I’m the type of guy that you can give a job to and I’ll do it without complaints, now I can be a very quick learner for any task, but before I get it perfect, I make many mistakes. The words I’ll always remember, is whenever I would screw up or break something my boss would always yell, “Damn it Danny, this is why we can’t have nice things”. I now make money from doing clients lawns, and still help with my boss with any small jobs that he needs

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