Personal Narrative: My First Day At Baum Elementary School

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When I got token away from my mother, I was devastated, so frightened, and I cried my eyes out. I was only a little kid. Six years old when this came in place. I really didn’t know what was happening. My mother was doing drugs and was getting beaten by her husband at the time. In order to get us back was to stop the drugs and leave the man. Well when I was 6 years old, I was attending Baum Elementary School. One day I got pulled to the office and that I’m leaving. As I see these people who looked like they was lawyers. They followed me to office. My mom said never go with strangers. They told me to get in the car. I refused to get in the car until I seen my sisters in there. So I got in and my sister looked at me and said, “ I love you and that we are going away from mom for awhile.” I started crying and asked my sister, “why.” She explained to me why. My sister is the oldest and her name is Kimberly. It was overwhelming and horrifying. As it came about we ended up at this building. We all were at DCFS. I remember sitting on the floor in this ladies …show more content…

We played outside and had a busy schedule everyday that took our minds off our mother. My grandma was a mother figure and could cook. She made sure we were all okay and I had Christmas there. But it was they year after I went to my Aunt’s. I lived with my grandma from first grade to the end of third grade. My grandma took us to go see our mom one day and my mom was a changed woman. She was chunky, smart, off the drugs, found a boyfriend that became her husband, and she was just better. They got married. We moved back with my mom after that. I have never see a person make a bigger change than her. My mom is my hero and a role model that never give up no matter how hard things might get. My grandma was sad that we came back with my mom. My mom gave my grandma 2 thousand dollars every other week to help out. My mom finally got her life back with her

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