Personal Narrative: My Dad's Death

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An event in my childhood that was memorable had to be the days before and the day my Dad died. The way it happened was really sudden. It all came crashing down in a matter of days. No one knew it was going to happen and no one knew what was going through my Dads mind at the time. All we knew is that he had committed suicide but no of us knew the reason. One day it my Mom and I went out somewhere while my dad decided to stay out the house by himself. When we got home all the lights were on but there was no noise assuming my Dad was home. So, my Mom called out his name and got no answer from him and then went in looked in their bedroom to make sure he was just sleeping because my Dad liked taking naps. When he wasn't in their room my Mom and I continued looking throughout the house to try and find him but we couldn't not until my Mom looked outside. There he was just laying in the grass face down. We rushed outside and my Mom tried everything to wake him up including slapping him across the face just to see if he would respond and he …show more content…

The doctors had found out my Dad had intentionally overdosed on some kind of pill. Once, they figured that out they got to work on getting the drug out of his system but it was to late and he was already in a coma. Then it came time for my Mom to make a tough decision , whether or not should she pull him off the life support machine because he was showing no signs of waking up. My Mom had one last option and that was me. She brought me to the hospital and had me interact with my Dad by me rubbing his feet with lotion and when I did not succeed in waking him up , it was time to pull him off life support. She let me say goodbye even though I did not understand what was going on at the time all I knew was that I would never see him again. So, I gave him my baby blanket because I thought he looked cold and that was it. That was the last time I ever saw my dad

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