Personal Narrative: My Aesthetics

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Completely oblivious to the environment around me, I sit perched on my lab stool with shoulders hunched over and elbows aching from resting them on the hard benchtop for so long. With intense focus and eagerness, I peer into the eyepiece of the compound microscope that is assigned to me, [hardly needing to blink]. After a few seconds of focusing in and out with the coarse knob, the organisms suddenly become clearer - a handful of opaque blobs swim around the slide, occasionally bumping into each other and scurrying away. I then turn the revolving turret quickly and precisely to bring the low power objective lens above the slide, and feel a wave of contentment fill my mind as I hear it click into place; it is second nature to me. Finally rotating the fine knob, the humble paramecia are magnified 100 times under my view. …show more content…

During this particular session in my Modern Biology lab at Suffolk County Community College, I watched the ovoid-shaped paramecia gracefully dart and glide within a 1-millimeter diameter field from above like football commentators from a gantry, or like passengers on an airplane looking down upon the land below them. Simply observing these organisms never fails to evoke feelings of amazement and awe: at just 225 micrometers long, the single-celled paramecia are about 7,000 times smaller than me. As a microbial spectator of sorts, I am able to surveil the activities of these protozoa: they feed on bacteria and yeast, they create their own propulsions with hair-like cilia that protrude from their membranes, and they reproduce via binary fission (quite literally duplicating themselves before splitting in

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