Personal Narrative: Middle School

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I had passed through almost all three years of my middle school life and had done absolutely nothing to remember my last year there. The 7th-period bell had rung and I was on my way to my p.e class just keeping to myself as I speed walked all the way across campus to the boys' locker room. After rushing to get my uniform on I once again speed walked over to my roll call spot and stood there patiently waiting for the teacher to arrive. As I was waiting I noticed that something was different in fact, because there were two large wrestling mats laid out across the floors of the gymnasium. The coaches said, “ for the next three weeks we will be doing an intro into wrestling.” I leaned over to my friend and whispered, “ is he actually serious …show more content…

Towards the end of the period, the coaches cut the class five minutes early and had us all gather for an announcement. My coach announced, “wrestling season is starting in two weeks and anyone who is interested can take a sign up sheet and turn it in by Friday.” I turned over and looked at friends and exclaimed, “do you guys want to join wrestling with me?” They looked at me with a curious look and said, “why would we wanna do that?” I tried to convince them by saying that it would be fun and we could get to meet new people. They refused to join me so I decided to stop trying to convince them and go pick up a sign up sheet …show more content…

I was dreading practice for the first few days. Every bone in my body was aching that even the most simple task would take a great effort. After the first few painful days of practice, my body slowly began to adjust to the workouts we had to perform. I began to improve my skills and slowly started to progress day by day. We weighed ourselves to see what class we would get stationed to and I got sent to the middleweights. I greeted all the other fellow wrestlers who were also in my class and seated myself around them. We received headgear to prevent any of the wrestlers from getting cauliflower ear and also to give our head a layer of protection from when we take hard slams. Slowly I got more comfortable and social with my teammates and began to interact with most of the people. My sparring partner was a really friendly guy and always was there to tell me what I had to adjust to improve on my form. My skills now at a level to where I was able to spar and know how to counter and strike

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