Personal Narrative: Making A New Life

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Hey my is Bob.I was 46 year old when I was killed.On July 19,2830 I was working on a human and see can I bring him back alive and making a new life. So one day I was getting the things I need to make the human. I was making a human by starting to put the bones together. Then I put skin over the bones.Then I put the organs inside him. Then I put more skin on him and put bowled in his neck so I can put electricity. So I can bring him alive. When it was dark outside and I put a kite with a key outside. I got tired I went to bed and I was a sleep. Then the lightning struck it and he came alive. So he got outside went to town and start to kill people. So I got up and try to found him before they found him and kill him. When I got to the

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