Personal Narrative: Leslie's Decision

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Leslie’s Decision

I was born in Montgomery, Alabama in 1935. I was just a day old when my mother and father dropped me off at grandma’s house and never came back. Grandma Rosa said that my father had gambling problems my mother was on and off drugs. Sometimes, grandma said that my mother asked her for money when she was running away from my father because he was abusive. But I wouldn’t know where I would be if my parents would have taken care of me. My parents did not name me so, my grandmother named me after her great grandmother Leslie. The only memory of my mother is her pocket watch that fell out of her purse that day. I’ve been living with my grandmother for ten years. I’m very sure my parents are not coming back. Everyday as soon as I wake up I use the pocket watch. Using it every time I always wonder what it would be like seeing my parent’s faces. My grandmother said to me that everything happens for a reason maybe my parents leaving was for me to live. At school when the kids get out of the schoolhouse they say “don’t step on a crack”. I believe in that ,but it does not apply to me. Just started fifth grade at Frederick Douglas Elementary School. It’s my first year at this school. I can say that it’s a step up from Harriet Tubman Elementary. All the kids in that 4th grade classroom threw crayons and …show more content…

Said Leslie “8:14 am” said Grandma. “ Breaking news from Washington and atomic bomb has been dropped on The Japanese City Hiroshima and 80,000 people are dead and 35,000 are injured.’’ said the radio broadcaster. “ Oh my God!” said grandma. “Grandma what about the innocent children” said Leslie. “What about peace and equality?’’ said Grandma. “ I don’t understand why they needed to drop the atomic bomb on those cities it’s unfair.” said Leslie. The next morning Leslie completed her daily morning routine and went to school. “ Did anyone hear about the atomic bomb news” said Ms. Johnson. “I did ” said Leslie. “ Of course, she heard ” said

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