Personal Narrative: How I Changed Myself

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In what ways have I improved myself this school year? Well about that, I made a few goals at the beginning of this school year, which I haven’t really accomplished. I’ve lost motivation fairly quickly, and haven’t do anything about, so I’ve been in a sort of slump for most of the school year. My first goal was to do better in school, my second goal was to maintain my motivation throughout the school year, and my last goal was to have a better outlook in general. Let’s talk about it. School affects the rest of your life, which is why I tried to do better, kinda. I did okay in the beginning, but as time went on, my effort dwindled. About halfway through this semester, my work stopped and my grades dropped, But, considering that last year I failed basically every class, I definitely did better with only two Fs this year. I could have done far worse and destroyed my future even more, but I only partly destroyed it this year. I know that’s not great and I could’ve done better, I also could’ve done far, far worse. Motivation certainly had a lot to do with my grades, maintaining motivation also happens to be my second goal. …show more content…

As you know, I struggled to maintain motivation, and to regain motivation once I lost it. I told myself that I was too far behind to catch up. “You have 35 missing assignments, it’s no use.” Once my motivation was gone, I didn’t even try to get it back, which is why I would say I didn’t do well with this goal. I gave up far too quickly, like I always do. I figured, “Hey, what’s the point if none of my accomplishments will be remembered anyway?”. I’ve always been a pessimist, so I tried to fix that

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