Personal Narrative Fiction

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The floor was rock hard and chilly after I blacked out for a few seconds and my vision was blurred, as if I had just woken up early in the morning and I was still very tired. While I laid on the ground with my head pounding and my skull feeling shattered, I was like a detailed painting at a museum and people were staring at me in pure shock. There were sounds of gasps and passerbys asking if they should call 911 and if I was okay. At the time I couldn’t hear what they were saying because I was so out of it. You might be very confused as to why I was suffering on the floor, so I’m here to explain how and when I fell. About nine years ago, when I was around three, my mom decided it would be a good idea to go to her favorite store at the time, Sam’s Club, in oppose to being lazy and staying home. I didn’t want to go, but I was three, so I would barely care in a few minutes anyway. It was like there was a mad scientist making me enjoy things I didn’t want to enjoy. When we got in the car, I remember my little brother crying the entire way there and me yelling at him, …show more content…

It’s annoying!”, like a doctor trying to calm a little kid getting a shot. We finally arrived, and I basically kissed the floor. I didn’t even enjoy that store at three, but I jumped off the walls everywhere I went because I was such an outgoing kid. Being my uncontrollable self, this is one of the reasons I was unconscious on the

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