Personal Narrative Essay On The Play 'My Loo'

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My Logo is a simple yet elegant portrait of my initials “K” for Kathleen and “B” for Boettcher. The Logo is done in a simple bullet black color with a tad of shine; simplistic and cost-efficient. I decided to add my personal style by shaping the B to form the figure of a Kitten expressing my play fullness, softness and downright adorableness that is also pronounced in my clothing line as a timeless and comfortable. My inspiration My inspiration is mostly placed loosely around 40’s-50’s and around the character Lucy form the hit comedy “I love Lucy “ Played by Lucilla Ball. I fell in love with the character fun, simple, and spontaneous characteristic that I see in myself sometimes that I would like to see a comeback in today’s fashion. The style Around the 50’s I finds is being per say style today with all the skin showing. The Dress. The Kat Meow piece is my personal porta of a 50’s modern twist on the charter Lucy and My own character. The name “The Kat Meow” is to represent the Kat in Kathleen and the meow os the cats meow sang of someone or something wonderful or remarkable. This dress is a modest slightly fitted dress the pronces a woman’s …show more content…

The skirt almost stars out as a pensical skirt that efasisens on the hips and but to kepp the dress more feminine in toady modern style than flares out on my oven personl tradmart dison wich I call the Bubbles. The Bobbles are custemes tallersd to each person since the follow the lines of cuers on the woman, giving more enfized to the hips lags, but and so on. The dress skirt reaches the knees is a bit lovwer in the back. The back of the dress is ties up with bottoms which is the hots in wedding gowns at the moment and perceives as elegant and sexy all in one. The top is a smple square neckline with a dropped shira black Cowl/bais Roll wich is stled in the

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