Personal Narrative: Death Of A Mother

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Mother is long gone. Even though she died nearly 3 years ago I still feel empty. Ever since, it has been my responsibility to take care of grandmother even though she believes I’m the one who killed her only daughter. This is why she refuses to live with me, she thinks I’m going to kill her as well because I have cruel a vengeance against them for taking me away from my father at such a young age. Truthfully I was a little mad at them because me and my dad were very close, and I would still recognize him if I just saw him walking on the street to this day even though I was only 6 when he was removed from our home. They told me that he could never change from his old ways and he wouldn’t be health for me to be around. But the truth of how my …show more content…

Anyway, after all my struggle with trying to get grandmother to accept me as her granddaughter we have agreed that I visit her once a week on Sunday afternoon so I can still have contact with her even if she would prefer not to. This day is picked so the priest can visit before I arrive and give her the weekly blessing so she can be cleanse if I ever decide to bump her off the charts while visiting. So off I went traveling down the little path to grandmother's house to check up on her and bring her some freshly baked cookies that I made to try and keep peace even though I know she’ll throw them away as soon as I leave. Being lost in my own thoughts so deeply I’m surprised that I heard a noise that appeared right behind me. I turned around to see what it was knowing that it wasn’t an animal because they were either all in hibernation or moved south for the winter. Not very many people know about this path because it’s not really one, and coincidence or not it freaked me out, I mean who else would be going to visit my grandmother at the same time I was. I had no idea what to do, so I just

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