Personal Narrative Analysis

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A little over four years ago my younger sister became very ill almost overnight. She has always been a very active athletic playing every sport imaginable. What seemed to surely be a virus soon proved to be much bigger. The doctors were perplexed and seemed to be almost guessing. Everything from a brain lesion to the C word cancer was given as options. Doctors would receive a referral and want to see her as she was a barely watching question mark. 53 doctors to date have evaluated my sister and that number might be a little low. As I stated in my earlier essay my mother was a single parent for a great deal of time. While during this time she attempted to save for our college funds on a school teacher’s income and spotty child support. …show more content…

Between the lost income to the monthly pharmacy costs that can sometimes reach $500 a month depending on where we are at in our insurance calendar year. I do not want to add one ounce of worry to my parent’s plate. They are both hardworking and very prideful people. My step dad works every hour of overtime he is allowed which can mean a 7 day work week while my mom tutors as well as works a part time retail job along with teaching Special Education. They have raised my sister and I to know that there is no fear in hard work. I too have been a working high school student at our local baroque restaurant. Late nights and early mornings have taught me that I need a college education to live a comfortable lifestyle and I am willing to work hard to reach this goal. My greatest joy would be for me to give back to the people that worked and sacrificed so much for my sister and me. Although my parents never planned to be in financial need at this point of their lives nor did they ever image they would have to fight so hard to keep their child alive. With my sisters diagnoses the doctors have referred to her being a one in a million in a not so positive manner. In my mind my family is a one in a million and because of this I will do what is necessary to carry on this tradition of hard work and

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