Personal Narrative-A Day In High School

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Boy, I was not ready for this to happen to me! I was in third grade, I had to go to gymnastics practice and I did not know it would be my last one at Gym Sport. I was in the Mets level I had been having some heel problem for a couple of months. Therefore my mom took me into the doctor's office to get it check out, I was not expecting that kind of news. First they took x-rays of my foot then they took a lot of pictures. Secondly they implied,
“ We can not see anything so we are going to send the x- rays to a x-ray technician so we will call you if they find anything.” While I was at school my mom got a phone call and they confirmed,
“ We found a hairline fracture so Cora needs to come in and get a cast.” So we went in and I got put into a cast I got a orange one. I had to be in the cast for three weeks and then we had to go back in and see. When we went in again the doctor grumbled, …show more content…

Although the doctor advised,
“ Do not walk on your cast.” I did anyway. In spite of walking on it they put me in a another cast I got a black one.
Then it was time to go to school it was about the end of fall so my toes were so cold. Going to school hard my classroom was in the basement of the Elementary School. The nurse

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