Personal Narrative

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Chapter one - the start of something new The night way cold and rainy, no moon was present. As people walked down the street never once looking up, eyes glued to their phones with an infinite amount of apps, infinite wasted time. The buildings were tall, concrete on the north side of the city, offices and high rises for business men and the wealthy. To the south were old brick buildings, a historic downtown from the original city, narrow streets and no stop lights. The contrast was incredible, in the north was the present, in the south was like something out of a Noir film. In the west was the docks, they had never changed, wooden structures reaching out and large filled dry docks. The city was always busy with trade, imports exports, everything …show more content…

There was bear mace which would work well on any animals, they sell it for cheap at sporting stores. There was a martial arts dojo in the north and a boxing gym in the south. Perhaps a more practical and quicker option was located near his place, at the docks a fight club was ran, bare knuckles and no weapons. It was a tough option and McGuire didn’t want to be pounded on for weeks while pulling 12 hour shifts but he was still afraid from what he had seen earlier that week. He had decided that bear mace would be the best readily available option and was walking down a street in the south to the supermarket. As he walked down the street he noticed a group of three men walking his way, they were taking up the whole sidewalk. McGuire decided that he would walk in the street to avoid them rather than cause an issue, when he looked behind himself to check for any cars he saw one driving on the shoulder of the road 30 feet behind him. The car had its brights on. Mcguire’s hope dropped as he realized what was happening, there was no one else on the sidewalk, but several cars in the street. He knew no one would help him. He remembered an alley way he had passed a few minutes ago, he turned around and briskly walked toward it. The car on the shoulder of the road stopped and sevral men got out. McGuire started running to make it into the alley, he knew that being in a public space would not save him, he figured that making a run for it would. When he turned down the alley way he did not come to a stop, 50 meters into it the alley took a turn into a open area where several apartment balkonies overlooked a stone circle with a gated entrance leading into another alley. McGuire had reached the end of the line, he turned around and saw seven men in large coats with hoods up masking the majority of theire faces. They were all wearing malaklovas, when spoke in a familiar

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