Personal Injury Lawyer

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Personal Injury Lawyer If you’ve suffered injuries in an accident—for example, a car accident—the type of lawyer you’ll want to see is a personal injury lawyer. These types of attorneys specialize in obtaining compensation in the form of damages for injuries caused by other parties. Estate Planning Lawyer The estate planning lawyer specializes in wills and trusts, and can help you to draw up a will to pass on your assets. Among other estate planning legal services, this type of lawyer can help you set up a trust which will help take care of your children’s financial needs. Bankruptcy Lawyer If you’re having financial difficulties and are contemplating bankruptcy proceedings, you’ll want to consult with a bankruptcy attorney. This type …show more content…

Employment Lawyer Whether you’re a company that’s having a problem with an employee, or an individual who’s having problems with the company you work for, an employment lawyer can generally provide advice about legal issues which arise from an employment contract or within an employment relationship. Corporate Lawyer If you own a corporation, you’ll likely find yourself consulting with a corporate attorney on many different occasions. A corporate lawyer will be able to help you with issues related to the formation of your corporation, general corporate governance issues and corporate compliance issues. Immigration Lawyer When you’re dealing with immigration issues, you’ll want to consult with an immigration lawyer. This type of lawyer should be well versed in dealing with immigration issues such as visas, citizenship, refugee or asylum and green cards. Criminal …show more content…

A tax attorney specializes in the many intricacies of federal, state and local tax laws, and should be able to provide advice on the particular tax issue you face. Family Lawyer Whether you’re in need of a prenuptial agreement, engaged in divorce proceedings or involved in a child custody or spousal support battle, a family lawyer is the type of lawyer who’ll be best equipped to guide you through the process which lies before you. Workers Compensation Lawyer If you’ve been injured while on the job, or have had to face the death of a loved one as a result of a workplace accident or occupational disease, a lawyer who specializes in workers compensation law can help you navigate the issues you face, such as the extent of the employer’s fault and the amount of benefits to which you are entitled. Contract Lawyer A contract lawyer specializes in the handling of issues arising from contracts, and can be consulted for a wide range of contract-related issues. Whether you’re unsure if you should sign a particular contract, or if something has gone wrong with a contract you’ve already signed, an attorney who specializes in contracts is the type of lawyer who should have the experience and expertise required to help you resolve your contractual issues. Social Security Disability

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