Persepolis Marji Analysis

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Being in the middle of a war at the age of ten is not fun and that is what persepolis is all about. Marji is ten years old she see people getting shot at and people's life get destroyed. This makes it hard for her to be a kid because she has so much adult stuff going on in her life so it pushes her to become more mature and make decisions on her own. So the elements of culture is what helps her get more mature though the years of her life. The three elements of culture that help Maji’s development throughout the story are Religion, Social organization and Government.
Marji does was born into Religion so she want to get a understanding of it but at the same time she is confused so sometimes she feels like she wants to defend her country and people but sometimes she want to defend the religion. “They forbade people to rescue those locked inside. Then they attacked them”(14). This demonstration made Marji think about the next demonstration and how she wanted to go so she can help and she wanted to be treated like an adult not a little kid she wanted to go for her country and her people. There is religious conflict because they want to …show more content…

“Things started to degenerate. The army shot at them. And they threw stones at the army”(18). The king sent armies to Iran to spread their religion and take over but all the people of Iran didn't like that so they fought back by throwing rocks at them so the armies shot and killed a lot of people. This helped Marji’s development because she saw her parents coming home all beat up and not wanting to do anything and this made her want to help and that takes a step into being more mature and knowing what's right and what's wrong. The government and the society misunderstand each other's cultures throughout they stay and that is why there is so much conflict because they don't take the time to understand each

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