Pericles Funeral Oration: Fallen Soldiers Of Athenian Democracy

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Pericles’ “Funeral Oration” Pericles’ “Funeral Oration” is a speech given to honor the fallen soldiers of the Peloponnesian War and it is most remember for its importance to Athenian democracy. The funeral oration helped the people of Athens to establish their constitution in Greece. Pericles’ “Funeral Oration” emphasizes that Athenian democracy is original, the public vs private regarding law, and liberalism as three basic elements for a future modern democracy. Pericles emphasizes the importance the element that Athenian democracy is original compared to another other country. According to Pericles, the reason that Athenian democracy is original is because “we have a form of government that does not emulate the practices of our neighbor, setting an example to some rather than imitating others.” Pericles is trying to explain that democracy allows countries to form their own constitutions and that is what makes them unique. Furthermore, democracy focuses on the interest of the many and not the few. This means that each person in society is recognized for their contributions for their public service. Pericles illustrates this when he says, “wherever each man has earned recognition he is singled out for public service in accordance with the claims of distinction, not by rotation but by merit.” …show more content…

In a citizen’s private domain, they are free to do whatever they would like to do without pressure. However, when it comes to the public domain citizens law abiding because of fear of the consequences if they break them. This statement can be illustrated when Pericles states “but while we associate in private without undue pressure, in public we are especially law abiding because of fear, in our obedience both to anyone holding office and to the laws.” Also, citizens help aid the law by bring down shame on citizens who are

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