Perhaps I Was Too Harsh Analysis

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When Farinta says “That noble city, with which in my time perhaps I was too harsh” He refers to the city of Florence as a noble city, so what he meant by that it is the place that born in it and it looks like utopia in his In his eyes. Also nothing will get wrong in the city of Florence. The city can be noble because it has the nobles, the merchant's, the tradesmen, and workers. The nobles own most of the city. He is showing how much it is important to him. When he says “Perhaps I was too harsh” He does not recognize that he was harsh. He wants to redeem himself after the struggle between the Ghibellines as their leader and the ut he didn’t do anything to stop the fight and that made him be harsh on the Guelphs because if he had stopped the fight the city of Florence will not be lost. …show more content…

When Farinata refers to the two times when he had to drive the Guelphs out of Florence. He says “I had to scatter them not once, but twice” When Farinta uses the word “Scatter” he means that he made them made them separate because if they met in one place they could plan to attack him because of what he did to them. Also he makes the news spread everywhere about their story, especially the people who deal with him and that if they saw the Guelphs together in one place they should tell him immediately. He is proud of himself because he did something no one has done it before forcing people to leave everything that they have behind them he not only did it once, but twice. Also because he was the leader of the Ghibellines and always the leaders are proud of themselves. He also didn’t have the choice of what he did because when he says “I had to” There are Ghibellines involved in the decision of ether to let the Guelphs leave peacefully or fight until they

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