Perception In Inside Out

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Perception is a manner of selecting, organizing, and interpreting people, objects, events, situations, and or activities. The movie “Inside Out” is a perfect example of how perception affects our communication; it shows exactly how the process of selection, organization, and interpretation correlated to each other. To start with, selection is the extent of factors that encourage us of which stimuli is the most important. We prioritize the things that attract our attention first. For example, in the movie “Inside Out” where Joy was always the one handling the memory chore of Riley. Since she was the most enthusiastic among the other characters in the headquarters, the one who makes Riley happy all the time, she became the leader of the group. The selection of Joy as being merry and positive all the times gave her that opportunity to be on top of everybody. As time went on and Riley began to experience life more and her surroundings started to change due to and unexpected move to San Francisco, Sadness began to explore more of her emotions through out Riley’s memories. As her curiosity began to take shape we see that Joy …show more content…

Her imagination starts going wild and she begun to visualize this amazing home that turns out to be just another creepy house in a new neighborhood that she does not feel to be her own. As the situation unfolds, we see Sadness want to take over, but Joy refuses to give her the commend as he wants to keep Riley happy by letting her visualize how her room can look like ones the movers come with all her personal belongings, but this soon come to a scratching stop as her mother informs her to the mistake that the movers have done. This sends her in a down word spiral witch affects her way of thinking and begins to changer her

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