Penicillin Lab Report

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1. If my ten-year-old cousin were to ask me to explain why antibiotics make you better, I would begin by explaining to him what exactly an antibiotic is. I would explain that antibiotics are used to kill or stop the growth of bacteria, which are tiny little bugs inside of you that make you feel sick. Antibiotics are like wizards who make little potions that are used on the bacteria to stop them from making you sicker. A good example of an antibiotic is penicillin. When penicillin makes its potion to destroy the bacteria, he needs to find a good target or place where he can pour the potion on the bacteria. Penicillin’s favourite target is the cell wall or cell membrane during synthesis. What this means exactly is that penicillin likes to use his potion on the bacteria when the bacterium is making his amour, which the bacterium uses to try and protect himself with. How penicillin works more specifically is that the potion that penicillin is able to make, looks very similar to what the bacteria’s cell wall or “amour” is made out of. As a result, the bacterium isn’t able to make its amour because the …show more content…

Oral contraceptives have had one of the largest and lasting effects on the world. One of the strong impacts oral contraceptives have had on modern society is the pill has allowed more women to delay marriage and childbearing so that women can invest in their skills and education, join the work force in greater numbers, move into higher-status and better-paying professions and make more money overall. By being able to delay pregnancy and choosing when they want to have children, more women have been able to enter the work force, raising the number of hours that women work and giving women access to traditionally male and highly lucrative professions in fields like law and medicine. This trend has helped narrow the earning gap between men and women. The pill has accounted for 20 percent of the convergence of men’s and women’s earnings from 1990-2000 (Lowrey,

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