Penguins Research Paper

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Penguins My essay is about the history of penguins. Explorers believed that they were discovered around 1490. They were very impressed with the flightless bird, they studied them very carefully and documented everything they did. People still can’t agree who brought attention to the penguins some people say it was Vasco da Gama that showed proof. Other people say it was Ferdinand Megellan who found the penguins. The penguin’s ecosystem depends on the type of penguin some of the penguins can live in the coldest parts of the world ,but some can live near the very close to the equator where its warm. All penguins live within the Southern Hemisphere. Penguins can be located on every island in the southern hemisphere. Some penguins live on thick sheets of ice most of the …show more content…

The other penguins live on small sandy islands, but all penguins must live near a body of water to hunt for food. Their food consist of fish krill squid and crustaceans. Penguins mainly live along the coastal regions of South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. People still don’t know everything about penguins but we start to learn more about them as we study them. There is some spots we don’t know if its 100% true or fake. This is way people argue so much about them because we still don’t know everything about them. In the mid 1800s people found fossils that looked like penguins. These fossils were studied by the top scientist around the world. The scientist are coming to a conclusion that penguins have been on earth for more than 60 million years.Scientist believe that penguins evolved from earlier birds in order to survive. They

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