Peer Counselor Scholarship Essay

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I can remember the day that I found out who my peer counselor was. My group was one of the last few groups called and I had gotten nervous that I had somehow been left out of the program. But, eventually I met my peer counselor, Grace. Grace told me a lot about high school and taught me everything the first two days I spent with her. However, as the school year went on I saw Grace less and less, I didn’t even see her on the first day. This has always stuck with me and I hope I can always make time for my peer kids. My peer counseling experience has never truly left me. Because I never forgot that experience I want to be able to continue this tradition. After watching both of my brothers go through a transition between 6th and 7th grade and going through that process as well I have lots of knowledge to impart to the incoming students. All throughout high school I’ve thought of things that I should share with my peer kids. In addition, I want to work with kids in my future. Peer counseling would be a great opportunity for me to develop skills for my future and also impress the colleges that will prepare me for my career. …show more content…

I have showed responsibility in and out of school. Each year I have balanced a full schedule with multiple accelerated, AP, and college courses. In these difficult courses I have maintained high averages never allowing my overall GPA to dip below a 96. In addition to schoolwork I work hard on my extracurriculars. I’ve made all-county chorus, held leadership positions in french club, Knightingales, yearbook, and musical, and I have even been recognized for my efforts. In addition to being hard-working, dedicated, and responsible I am also well-rounded. I can offer insight to many types of activities to my peer kids such as art, music, athletics, leadership, and

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