Pecola's Self-Confidence In The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison

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Self- confidence in Pecola Breedlove Self-confidence is crucial in a personality. Nevertheless, society and family influence on the self-esteem of a person, they are key in a person’s personality. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison describes a racist society that constructs a concept of beauty and that leads characters to commit certain actions with rough consequences, the most affected character by those actions is Pecola Breedlove. The aim of this essay will be to provide a deep analysis that explains how family and Pecola’s classmates impact on her self- acceptance and make her feel inferior because of her colored skin. The first factor that affects on Pecola’s low self- esteem is her family. Since she is a child, she has experienced rough situations as her father is always drunk, her mother hates her family for being black and poor and her brother always escapes from their home. Pecola’s family has a strong feeling about their ugliness due to their blackness because it is not what society defines as its ideal of beauty; Cholly Breedlove and Mrs. Breedlove have gone through social racism and they have grown up with insecurities about themselves. Pecola’s mother works with white people and she gradually hates her family because they do not fulfill her expectations of …show more content…

Pecola has not enough support from her family in order to resist bullying at school. Her classmates bully Pecola for being black, even their colored partners, but they criticize her because everybody does and Pecola is not strong enough to defend herself as her self- esteem is so damaged. What is more, when someone wants to offend a boy, they comment he is Pecola’s boyfriend, and they consider that like an insult. As Pecola feels really insecure, they always attack her when they are in group and she only cries. Consequently, all those negative comments affect on her

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