Pay it Forward

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The film Pay it Forward is an exceptional example of how one person, can do even one small positive thing that can create a ripple effect on the world. The main character Trevor, is a young boy that has a vision to make a difference in the world by with a small idea. The movie shows that his idea can effect many and go farther than intended when it is contingent upon people doing the right thing. This concept exemplifies many Christian messages in doing generous acts for others, while expecting nothing in return.
The act of paying it forward was formed from an extra credit assignment from Mr. Simonet to come up with an idea that can change the world. While most of the kids brushed off the assignment, Trevor took it upon himself to come up with an idea that could actually work.
Trevor’s idea was to do kind things for 3 people, something they can’t do on their own. Instead of repaying the good deed to the original giver, you pay it forward to new people in the hopes of them repeating the process. The good dead that you do for three people is supposed to be something big that can change their life. The first person that Trevor tries his idea on is a homeless heroin addict. He gave the addict a place to stay for a night and money so he could eventually use that to buy clothes for a job interview. What might seem like a insignificant deed was the beginning of a movement that was grew bigger than any of the people involved. The other two people that Trevor chose to help were Mr. Simonet and his friend that was bullied.
Meanwhile, a reporter far from where the concept originates benefits a car from the pay it forward act. The lawyer that gave the reporter the car was also a recipient of a good deed from Sydney, a man who unexp...

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...s free of arrogance he evens the playing field and shows that he is no better than those he is helping. Jesus loved every life that God created and cherished each one. Trevor also had a strong value for human life because he gave everything he possibly could to stop his friend from getting bullied. Eventually Trevor’s life was taken in trying to save another life. This is the most important aspect of the similarities between Trevor and Jesus. After they died in order to save someone else, their work was carried on.
The film Pay it Forward inspires the idea of putting others before yourself in a society where selflessness is a rarity. It invokes the idea that one act of compassion can spark a chain reaction to reach and change countless lives. Trevor embodies Christ in the way that the positive message transcends their life and goes on to continue helping people.

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