Paul Hood Theme

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In the Ice Storm by Rick Moody, Moody introduces us to two teenagers, Wendy and Paul Hood. Wendy and Paul are siblings from New Canaan, a small town in the Connecticut suburbs. The two siblings go through tremendous events in their life ranging from sex, love, to loneliness. Today’s teenagers share some similar aspects to Wendy and Paul. Because of society’s disregard for young adults, loneliness can lead them to potentially dangerous paths; this is a continuous problem that is relevant from the 1970’s to modern day society. First off, there is Paul Hood, the oldest child of Benjamin and Elena Hood. Paul is sixteen and was sent by his parents to St. Pete’s, a boarding school in Stamford. Paul compulsively follows The Fantastic Four, a comic book by Stan Lee, which he finds very similar to his family, and is constantly comparing each of the character’s to one of his family members. Since Paul did not grow up with any affection from his parents, and was casted off away from his home; this sanctions Paul’s quest for love. Although people frequently surround Paul, he somehow constantly feels alone. Ultimately, this leads Paul to turn to drugs and alcohol to ease the pain of his emptiness. Moody elaborates, “Paul had given up trying. Paul bought oregano and he thought it was good shit. …show more content…

Wendy feels lonely without her brother, and without any love from her parents. From a young age, Wendy’s parents abused her physically and mentally. The narrator states, “Wendy’s first spanking was the great organizing event of her memory…Her father humiliated her with language until she did so (take down her pants)—called her a slut and hooker and a princess. It wasn’t difficult to degrade her with language – she was four” (Moody, 237). Wendy’s sexual adventures her make her a constant topic at school. She is constantly out casted at school as a slut and

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