Patrick Lovenguth: A Short Story

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Patrick Lovenguth Mrs. Foley Short Story Thursday, February 11, 2016 Zeddicus was neither dead nor alive. He was the worst of both worlds. He would rip business inside out, or start a rebellion, then move on; always stirring, always hiding, never satisfied. Among the terrorists he crawled superiorly, and police and National Guard he utterly ignored, for he was king – king over all creeping, crawling, evil, and flying things on earth, humans most definitely included. Almost a century ago, a giant storage tank in Boston’s North End ruptured, releasing a massive wave of molasses that killed 21 people, crushed buildings, and tore a firehouse from its foundation. People say it was because of Arthur Jell and how he neglected basic safety tests, …show more content…

“George Layhe,” the boss yelled, “Get your firefighting blockhead in here!” Why I needed to rush was beyond me because nothing ever happens here in the North End neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. Just then I heard what sounded to be gunfire. The alarm went off and we slid down the pole. As soon as we got to the bottom, the ground shook and it sounded as if an elevated train was above us. We frantically ran outside and drove to 529 Commercial Street. Like something out of a movie, a wall of molasses was rushing towards us at something like 35 miles per hour. At, at least 25 feet tall and coming right for us, we panicked and turned to flee in our car. I looked behind us and saw a horrific sight. Buildings were being swept off their foundations and men, women, and children were stopped in their tracks and drowned in the sticky fluid. It was gaining on us, as we rushed through the town. The molasses was always gaining, always coming, and never stopping. Not a sweet way to die, I thought as we were cornered in an ally way and darkness overcame my mind. I watched in delight as the molasses enveloped the town. The molasses is exactly how I want it, dark, sweet, and unforgettable. The dough, made of crushed houses will do nicely. Mix this all together with the special ingredient of fear and you get a disaster that will go down in history. My birthday has come, the song of the 21 dead have

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