Patrick Henry Persuasive Speech

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The best persuasive speaker of all time using pathos as his main attraction with the famous saying “Give me Liberty or Give me Death”. Patrick Henry was born May 29, 1736 and was born ambitious; doing a lot of things as a young child that made him the man he was. Life growing up was a trying time because of his many ambitions in his work field. Patrick tried a lot of professions growing up but failed at all of them miserably. Patrick Henry is the best speaker of all time because his appeal to emotion was so strongly considered and how he made the people listening to his speech listen in awe. The war against Britain had to be done because of all the horrible things that they have done. That was all Patrick Henry needed to persuade …show more content…

The quote can make an audience fired up to do something they will probably regret much later. Another persuasive mastery Patrick Henry pulled to get the audience into that mindset on war was talking about all the incidents Britain has done to the colonist in the states, and how King George managed the states. The clever way Patrick Henry said it was “The war with Britain is inevitable” (Pg 105 PH) stating that the war cannot be avoided by any chance because the British already did so many things to start this rebellion. This quote is extremely effective because as a person in the Virginia Convention you are thinking about the Boston Massacre and the Stamp Act, and saying “yes we have to have liberty” or “I am tired of being oppressed”. Colonist must have felt mistreated and unimportant; they probably felt obligated to fight back. Patrick is a persuasive genius knowing that appealing to ones emotions has a cause and effect on how people feel about certain things. Also his tone was very sporadic and affectionate about his views. Patrick Henry is the legendary speaker because of how he can use

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