Patria Mercedes Mirabal Sparknotes

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Patria Mercedes Mirabal is the oldest of the Mirabal sisters. Her and her sisters grew up under Trujillo’s dictatorship. Throughout the book she is the most religious Patria had a decision to make whether to follow her beliefs or join the revolution that was rising up. Her mother describes her as always being a generous young lady. Slowly she grows and also her desire to become a nun. Patria and Minerva go to Inmaculada Concepcion as boarding students. Patria is an idealistic young Catholic girl, as she remains in school, everyone believes she is going to be a nun. One day Patria has a talk with Sor Asuncion and there she tells her to “listen deeply in case He is calling”(Alvarez 46)Instead of paying attention to what Sor Asuncion is asking of her, Patria is distracted by the upcoming storm. The author gives us this storm as a metaphor. Showing us that that was a sign for Patria that God knew it was an emotional situation and was telling Patria that her calling is not to be a nun: "Entering that sombre study, I could see just outside the …show more content…

Her opinion is that women should not get into politics just as her dad would say. Patria starts to think why God would let his people suffer under Trujillo’s rule. This is showing how Patria starts to doubt her faith as a Catholic woman. Patria gives birth to Nelson and Noris, and afterwards becomes pregnant again. She has a miscarriage, even though she does not really speak of it as a reader you can expect and make an assumption that this was also a cause of her doubting and losing faith. Losing her baby, Patria believes could also be a punishment because she was losing faith in God. Another moment when Patria changes and loses faith would be when she asks campesinos to dig up her dead baby’s grave to move him to consecrated grounds. When she sees her dead baby decomposed, is when she describes herself once again losing

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