Participation Rewards: Helpful Or Harmful?

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If children have a hard time handling failures early on, then how can it be expected of them to handle it well when we have not prepared them to handle it? One of the main goals of early schooling and sports should be to include students in recognizing, analyzing, ad combating obstacles (Fried 27). Society is taking the ability to learn from failure away when we do not allow the children to fail sometimes at a young age. Because of this takeaway children are more likely to be depressed or have anxiety when they grow up. Participation trophies can be linked with depression and anxiety for several reasons. These reasons include a lack of life motivation and the child constantly being nervous about if they are good enough or not. The reason …show more content…

It should nearly be a given that this phrase rings true, “Participation trophies and classroom rewards should not be given out for every event that children do because it can give them false self-esteem that could hurt them later, create inabilities to handle failure and diversity that could lead to mental-health issues, and give children a sense of entitlement.” Trophies are not benefitting the children as those people will say they are. Too many rewards have given children a false sense of self-esteem which then leads to our children being narcissists and being susceptible to having false confidence, which will almost surely damage them later on in life. Participation trophies are also linked to the mental health issues of anxiety and depression. This presents the problems of increased risk of self harm and nervous breakdowns throughout the entirety of their lives. Participation trophies also give children a sense of entitlement. This may be the most damaging effect of participation trophies that has been studied. The sense of entitlement that is given to these children makes them unwilling to work hard and take pride in what they do, but instead enforce that taking the easy task and not doing your best at it is perfectly fine. While that may be fine in the stage of life they are at now, it will not be fine when it comes time for them to enter the workforce and get a job. Not only will they not be able to work to the best of their abilities, but they will also be more prone to either being fired or turned down from a job. Once this happens on an every child basis then companies will be forced to hire people that do not do the job that they are supposed to. So instead of rewarding children for showing up, society

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