Parker And Barrow Research Paper

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Gracelyn Walker Mrs. Neuberger Composition II 27 February, 2024 The Infamous Bonnie Parker: “Death To Bonnie and Clyde.” In May of 1934, Parker and Barrow stole a car from a young man named Ruth Warren. The criminal duo needed a getaway car to fulfill their life of crime, and this was it. This car was a tan 1934 Ford Model 40 B Fordor Deluxe sedan, more famously known as the iconic V8 (Hawley). The V8 is well known for the high speeds it has, this was good for Parker and her quick getaways, but for the police not as much. Parker and Barrow were known for driving on gravel roads at high speeds during the night to move quickly (Van Osdell). Parker and Barrow had quite a crew of people in their gang to help them with their crimes. One member included …show more content…

He became stuck, and wanted a way out. This led Methvin to exchange information with the police, hoping for immunity (Alexander). Methvin exchanged the whereabouts of Parker, Barrow, and the rest of their crew. The gang was hiding out in Bienville Parish, Louisiana. When the police got this information, they planned an ambush. On May 23rd the police set up a trap for Parker and Barrow, who hid out on a rural road in Louisiana that they knew Parker and Barrow were going to be driving down. When the two approached the ambush location, they opened fire (Hawley). Gun shots ended, and the officers approached the V8. The car as well as Parker and Barrow were full of bullet holes (BE 12). Parker and Barrow had almost fifty bullets hit each of them. This was the official end of the duo’s crime spree (Alexander). When the public heard about their deaths, the people quickly surrounded the site of the shoot-out. People gathered to catch a glimpse of their …show more content…

There were many mixed reactions to their deaths. For many, Parker and Barrow were seen as deadly criminals that needed to be commended for their crimes (SC 12). To others, the death of the two was quite devastating. They were seen as outlaws that challenged authority. Many saw the two as heroes among the people struggling through the Great Depression. Others saw Parker and Barrow as a love story that ended at the hands of the law. For all of America, the deaths of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow was an incredible controversy (Hawley). Bonnie Parker’s family, especially her mother, was devastated to hear of her death. Although Parker was a large criminal, to her family she was still their “little Bonnie.” Hearing about her violent death was hard to deal with. Parker and Barrow had wishes of being buried side by side. In the end, however, the families decided otherwise. Bonnie Parker was buried in Dallas, Texas, at the Crown Hill Memorial Park. Clyde Barrow was buried in Western Heights Cemetery (Van Osdell). Although the two did not get to rest next to each other after death, there are many public memorials to honor the two that can be visited

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