Paralysis In James Joyce's Dubliners

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Joyce’s portrayal of Dublin in Dubliners is certainly not one of praise or fanfare. Rather, Joyce’s Dublin is a slumbering and pathetic portrayal of a metropolis in which her citizens cannot exercise the ability to break free from the city’s frigid grasp. Therefore, the Dubliners struggle to carve out a distinct identity that contains meaningful aspects of human life. Somerville states that “Dublin has suffered a sickness of the heart,” an assentation that certainly captures the undertones of paralysis in Dubliners (Somerville 109). If it is indeed true that Dublin has lost her heart, she has also lost important emotional contexts that help sustain one’s livelihood. Without a heart, Dublin becomes a city “locked in place” with inadequate chances for forward progress from a socioeconomic perspective (Somerville 112). Yet, if Dublin’s heart is sick, it is only logical to assume that a “cure” is needed; the “cure” that the Dubliners seek, is money. As a result of Dublin’s paralysis and subsequent lack of basic societal values, Dublin’s citizens utilize money as a means of escaping the city in order to fully exercise their selfhood and free-will, which is compromised …show more content…

Specifically, money also becomes “a message of masculinity and adulthood” (Somerville 114). Operating from Somerville’s framework, Jimmy Doyle is never truly allowed to reach the pinnacle transformation into adulthood, rather forcing him to remain in adolescence. Doyle’s father, whom was “proud of his excess” also covered Jimmy’s expenses from university (Joyce 26). However, his father’s generosity also helps to reinforce Jimmy’s dependence to his father, stunting his ability to activate his own selfhood and freedom. Much like a paralyzed Dublin, Jimmy is also ‘paralyzed’ by the fact that he has yet to break free from his father’s dominance over his

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