Outweigh The Benefits Of Youth Sports

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Do you think youth sports has gotten too intense, or do you feel that this level of play is right for some children? There is benefits and drawbacks of focusing so deeply on one sport at an early age I’m 15 and sport is football, and i've been playing competitively since age 7. If my parents revealed anything other than sports to me I don’t know how i would of turned out.The person I am today Lives for sports. People spend thousands of dollars a year for their kids team fees. Why do parents shuttle their kids to the field three to five days a week, 50 weeks a year? Why do parents organize weekends around game schedules? They live out the arguments against: early focus on one sport, diminished traditional family time, financial cost, lost weekends, less after-school time, fund-raising and volunteer duties, car …show more content…

There are the platitudes about “teamwork” and “lessons about winning and losing,” and then there are the real rewards of team sports, which have become visible to me only over many seasons. The first thing to know: no young athlete succeeds unless he or she wants o. I’m not saying force young kids to play sports competitively because some kids just actually wanna have fun. That’s maybe why some parents see it as crazy but they're not there kids just have love for the sports. Not many can survive and even fewer thrive. That’s simply because of parental will.There’s no off-season. 4 to 10 hours a week on the field, depending on games. Home fields are close, but away games can involve an hour of travel each way. On tournament weekends there’s nothing

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