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Dante's inferno critical analysis
Dante's inferno critical analysis
Dante's inferno critical analysis
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Anyone who has read Dante’s Inferno is familiar with a certain main character, Virgil. Who is this Virgil that Dante put in his book and where did Dante get the idea of having Virgil as his guide on Dante’s journey through the spirit world? In addition to Virgil, readers of Inferno are also familiar with concepts and characters such as God, angles, demons, Satan, and Hell. Where did Dante get these concepts? Dante did not come up with these ideas on his own, but used familiar characters and places from outside sources such as the Aeneid and the Bible to create his epic poem. One important source that Dante used was Virgil’s Aeneid. According to Peter S. Hawkins, Dante cited Virgil 192 times in his writings (Hawkins 125). Dante referenced the Aeneid because he would have known that Virgil wrote something on Hell. Dante was paying respect to Virgil as a great writer by alluding to the Aeneid. Virgil in the Aeneid thought that Hell could be entered through the mouth of a cave (Virgil 169). On the other hand, Dante, as a character in his own book, Inferno, was walking through a dark wood, and he went astray from his path and found himself in Hell. Dante elaborates on Virgil’s idea of Hell by creating a new idea of Hell by giving it circles. Dante puts the sinners in specific circles based on what sin the sinners committed It is just like prison; criminals go to prison because they break the law. The only difference between prison and Hell is that in prison you have a certain time to serve; but in Dante’s Hell the sinner does not serve a set amount of time but still has to live with punishments forever. When Virgil was writing the Aeneid he gleaned his theory from Greek and Roman mythology. An example of this is Charon, the... ... middle of paper ... ...ircles. He also brought Virgil in the story as his guide. In addition he used some scriptural references to help him write Inferno. However, Dante’s descriptions of Hell do not always match those of the Bible. Works Cited Alighieri, Dante. Inferno A New Verse Translation, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism (Norton Critical Editions). Boston: W. W. Norton & Company, 2006. Print Alighieri, Dante. The Inferno (Signet Classics). Trans. John Ciardi. New York: Signet Classics, 2001. Hawkins, Peter S. “Dante and the Bible”. The Cambridge Companion to Dante. 2nd Ed. Ed. Rachel Jacoff. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. p. 125-140. Print The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, Augmented Third Edition, New Revised Standard Version, Indexed. New York: Oxford UP, 2007. Print Virgil. Aeneid. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Vintage Books, 1984. Print
...to order and command my will, called to me.’” (Pg. 36 lines51-54) Virgil explains to Dante why he is to be guide through the underworld. So when Dante decides he is going to give up and venture no further into Hell, Virgil is angry. He doesn’t want Dante to waste the gift he has been given by one who loves him. “‘The man who lies asleep will never waken fame, and his desire and all his life drift past him like a dream, the traces of his memory fade from time like smoke in air, or ripples on a stream.’” (Pg.207 lines 47-51)
In Dante’s Inferno hell is divided into nine “circles” of hell; the higher the number correlates to the grimmer the sin and the pain you will endure. However, I do not completely agree with Dante’s version of hell, perhaps due to the difference in time periods. In this essay I will be pointing out my concerns with Dante’s description of hell and how I would recreate hell if I were Dante.
Dante needed two main guides to help him take on the arduous task of changing his sinful ways to save him from himself, he needed both guides because each taught him very different but very valuable things. These guides where chosen because of various aspects that allow they to teach Dante to the best. The first of these guides is Virgil, a well-respected pagan poet. There are many reasons why Virgil was chosen
Rudd, Jay. Critical Companion to Dante: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work. New York. 2008. Print.
That is symbolic of the nature of the human life and human beings. All human beings are new to life that only goes once. There is importance in making sound decisions not to get lost in the motions of life forever. The role of God or the Holy Spirit is seen in the guidance by Virgil. All that Dante needs to do is follow the lead of the one that knows much more than him. The use of the holy days to journey through hell in the narration gives the reader the authority to associate some of the events of the journey with spirituality and God. The guidance of Virgil is also legitimate because he leads Dante to the
He had meticulously described it to illuminate the Bible’s interpretation, especially for the degrees of sin. For instance, during his journey through Hell, he had traveled through nine rings, each containing different forms of sin. Within the rings, Dante had met individuals who were cast into Hell for adultery and heretical beliefs. However, Dante had not only described who he saw, but also the quality of their lives in Hell. D’Epiro states, “The poet’s most famous portrait of flawed grandeur is that of Ulysses, whose sins as a false counselor have caused him to be enveloped in flames like a human torch.” (99) Dante had wanted to put an emphasis on how perilous Hell was because of the time period’s grasp on religion in 1320.
“Early in the spring of 1300, "midway along the road of our life," Dante is lost and alone in a dark, foreboding forest. To survive this ordeal, he must visit the three realms of the afterlife, beginning with Hell.” (Smith) Dante’s Inferno, one of the great classical poems that have come out of literature that’s topic is hell. Dante’s Inferno, gives a descriptive look into hell, from the eyes of Dante. Dante goes into detail about every part of hell. The people, what it looks like, sins to go there, the whole shah-bang. Dante splits up hell into nine different parts. In which he sends different types of sinners to each part. Each hell is made up differently, each has different systems that make up that particular systems. For example, circle three, has Cerberus the three headed dog, and another circle is completely frozen over. There are three circles of hell in Dante’s Inferno that are the best in the book: Circle one, circle six, and circle three.
In the Inferno we follow the journey of Dante as he wanders off the path of moral truth and into Hell. The Virgin Mary and Santa Lucia ask Beatrice, Dante’s deceased love, to send some help. Thus, Virgil comes to the rescue and essentially guides Dante through Hell and back to the mortal world from which he came. However, things begin to seem kind of odd. When reading the Inferno one may begin to question the way Dante describes Hell and the things that occur within, or even the things we have always believed about Hell. Despite the way it is described and well known in western civilization, Hell is not at all how we expect it to be because of Dante's use of irony throughout this poetic masterpiece.
Dante’s Inferno begins with Dante being lost in a dark wood and he comes across a mountain in which he tries to climb, but encounters three beasts on the mountain that send him back into the dark wood. First Dante encountered a leopard, then a lion and finally a she-wolf. After being sent back into the dark wood by these beasts, Virgil appears to Dante and tells him that he will not be able to climb up that mountain that Dante needs to go through hell and then purgatory to reach paradise. As Virgil and Dante approach the beginning of hell, Dante is skeptical because very few men have went through hell and have come back, but Virgil explains to Dante that Beatrice has sent Virgil to lead Dante. This encourages Dante and he uses Virgil as his mentor/ leader for his journey through hell and
Inferno is the first and most famous of a three part series by Dante Alighieri known as the Divine Comedy that describes his journey to God through the levels of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise written in the early fourteenth century. Scholars spanning over nearly seven centuries have praised its beauty and complexity, unmatched by any other medieval poem. Patrick Hunt’s review, “On the Inferno,” states, “Dante’s extensive use of symbolism and prolific use of allegory— even in incredible anatomical detail—have been often plumbed as scholars have explored the gamut of his work’s classical, biblical, historical, and contemporary political significance” (9). In the story, each of the three main characters, Dante, Virgil, and Beatrice, represent
Virgil is a Roman author of several books in Roman history. Virgil’s shade represents the spirit that guides man from committing sin and in our case Dante represents mankind. Virgil and Dante begin a series of travels in which they encounter many things. Dante’s journey through
Dante’s experiences in Inferno reflect the battles that everyone of Christian faith faces in their everyday life. We are all challenged by these sins daily. Dante mentions the” journey of our life” on page one; he means everyone’s journey in life to find God. Dante teaches us that we must face sin in order to live a virtuous, proper life. Sin is represented as the dark forest that surrounds Dante when he has lost his path. Virgil is the light of God guiding him through the dark forest. Virgil also represents your significant others in life, as they are the ones who keep you on the correct path. No one can find the path alone.
Dante’s Inferno presents the reader with many questions and thought provoking dialogue to interpret. These crossroads provide points of contemplation and thought. Dante’s graphic depiction of hell and its eternal punishment is filled with imagery and allegorical meanings. Examining one of these cruxes of why there is a rift in the pits of hell, can lead the reader to interpret why Dante used the language he did to relate the Idea of a Just and perfect punishment by God.
Brown, Sapphire M. "Referenes to Dantes Inferno." Humanities 360. 8 Jan. 2009. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.
Undergoing a journey through Hell as himself, Dante places famous literary icons to assist in questioning the acts of justice. Dante builds and contrast between the sinners who are innocent, and those who deliberately perform evil deeds. Virgil, a fellow poet and pagan, exemplifies wisdom and clarity that which Dante must learn through his endeavor. Virgil’s guidance will provide contrast and the necessary guidance to reach Paradise. The change of character Dante experience, is dreadful; pity and remorse must be exempted to honor retribution for the sinners’ defiance against God.