Organda (Regional Organization): Why Should Organda In College?

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We as students must already know what that organization, especially when SMA / MA maybe we have known. However, in the discussion here will be reviewed again what the Organization. The organization is a collection consisting of two or more people whom structural. We as students are certainly familiar with many organizations on campus. Campus organization comprised of organizations external and internal organization. There are many kinds of external organizations, such as PMII, HMI, GMNI, IMM, Organda (Regional Organization), and many others. In the discussion, this time will discuss about Organda (Regional Organization). Why should Organda in college? Because Organda very important, Organda is on campus to house the students who come from the same region and be of good relations between students of the same area. Organda in Trunojoyo University Madura very much, because it not only from Bangkalan who lectures there but also from various cities in Madura and Java. Organda …show more content…

In addition, the role of public relations is to maintain the image or good name of the organization to remain in view of both the students and the community. Program of PR same with the performance of public relations in the organization FPMP. CONCLUSION Therefore, from the information I received from the public relations coordinator FPMP is: • PR is commonly called the public relations is the divisions of FPMP disseminate information to the board, members, and students and the wider community are derived from Pamekasan either through print or electronic media (social media). • The role of public relations in organizations FPMP not only disseminate information but also bridges or be a liaison between students, communities, and organizations in order to establish a good relationship. PR also acts to keep the image, the image or good name of the organization

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