One Synthesis Essay

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While weighing the role of the state in modern globalization, Wolf (2001) concludes that states are necessary for globalization, while Rothkopf (2012) believes states have a diminished role due to globalization. Each author has certain assumptions, some shared and some exclusive to one author, from which he reaches his respective conclusions. Both authors assume that globalization is a valid thesis; Wolf (2001) in his title, and Rothkopf (2012) in his first sentence of the chapter: “The history of globalization is the history of the world.” (196). Globalization is not an inherent conclusion. There are many alternative arguments, including that globalization doesn’t exist based on the high trade rates in the pre-WWI period that exceed today’s, and the thesis of regionalization (Ravenhill 2005, 271) as opposed to globalization. To reach their conclusions about the effects of globalization upon states, each author must first assume globalization is a valid thesis. …show more content…

Wolf (2001) says, “… the state normally defines identity.” (8), while Rothkopf (2012) says, “It undercuts the national identity that knits together peoples…” (197). Many countries, especially those formed by the fall of empires and colonialism, lack a shared history, a dominant ethnicity, or other uniting factors. National identity is a concept reflected in nation-states, but not in all states, as some states do not represent a particular nation, and therefore don’t have a national identity. This assumption makes the state important as an actor, allowing both authors to come to a conclusion about the changing importance of the

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