Olympus Mons Research Paper

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Olympus Mons is a volcano located on Mars that is around three times larger than mount Everest. The height is a difference from Earth and Mars. There are a few other volcanoes near Olympus Mons called Arsia Mons, Ascraeus Mons and Pavonis Mons.
Olympus Mons is shaped with the slopes being highest near the middle and become emptier near the bottom making it not symmetrical. The lava does not shoot up, instead it slowly moves down.
Arsia Mons: a shield with a low slope and a huge caldera at its summit that has a fan like shape. A caldera is formed when a magma room is emptied which ends in either a sudden explosive shooting up and out of matter of lava, or explosion and collapse of the magma room roof.
Asctaeus Mons: Its inclines are most steep in the center part of the flanks, leveling out toward the base and close to the top where a wide summit level and caldera complex are found (Ascraeus). It is encompassed by runny magma that streams surrounding it.
Pavonis Mons: a shield that has a very low profile with flank slopes; summit contains a deep, circular caldera, with a larger, shallower …show more content…

The northern marshes are the floor of an enormous hole after a gigantic effect hit Mars quite a while back. The crustal polarity is the edge the cavity, since a long time ago adjusted in different ways.The southern locales are not marshes but rather good countries, that were unaffected by the effect. The main exemptions are territories like Hellas and argyre, which are themselves affect bowls, but much littler than the huge northern one. We realize that the Hellas Planitia is one of the most established surfaces on Mars, in light of the fact that the bowl is thought to have been shaped amid the Late Heavy Bombardment time of the Solar System billions of years back when a substantial space rock hit the surface. Affect cavities and changed by volcanism has been most imperative in forming Southern Highlands on

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