Of Mice and Men’ is a novel about people. Are there too many

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Of Mice and Men’ is a novel about people. Are there too many

cripples, misfits and unusual characters in the novel to consider

Steinbeck’s portrayal as true life?

Steinbeck’s novel is based on ordinary people during the American

Depression. Steinbeck has an understanding of how migrant workers were

and how it was as he had his childhood in California near Salinas

Valley. During the period in which the novel was wrote was written

migrant workers went from ranch to ranch working for money never

really having a secure job as new technology in machinery made it

cheaper to harvest crops. This introduces the two main characters

George and Lennie, migrant workers, who do not fit into 1930’s

society. The novel based is on characters that represent different

walks of life during the period illustrating the American culture.

Steinbeck portrays the American culture in a condensed version

occurring only on a ranch, showing the grim truces of the society,

when the novel was written

In Steinbeck’s novel the character Candy is a man who has gone past

his prime of his life. He has a stumped hand and therefore he is too

maimed to be working in the fields, he can be seen as a cripple in the

novel. The result of this is that he has menial job as a swamper. To

represent the fears of time Steinbeck writes about Candy being worried

about getting the ''can'' as a result of his unimportance on the

ranch, and this is shown when Steinbeck wrote

''I ain’t much good with o’ny hand. I lost my hand right here on this

ranch. That’s why they give me a job swampin''

This suggests that the job was only given to Candy out of sympathy.

Furthermore Candy saying ''I ain’t much good'' shows his awareness of

his own situation, being wo...

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...is at the end of the novel.

''’Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin’ them two guys?’''

This enhances the social statement made by Steinbeck, with Slim

consoling George but the other more usual characters, Curley and

Carlson, not coming together after the whole plot Steinbeck keeps them

apart and socially distant, unaware of the situation George is in. the

novel is also concluded within the novel where the image of the water

snake an the heron. The whole novel is summarised, with the calmness

to the heron snatching the water snake. Steinbeck implies this animal

image that humans in a society live like animals and how that we have

not evolved to be more tolerable of peoples differences; the

consequence of this is Lennie’s death. Steinbeck conveys marvellously

that this will keep transpiring as the heron returns to the pool to

catch another water snake.

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