Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

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George Milton is a very small man but he is also clever and witty. George is Lennie’s closest friend and he is also a good friend to him since he assured Lennie’s Aunt Clara that he would look after him by taking care of him. He tends to look after all of Lennie’s matters and actions such as trying to get him out of trouble. George needs Lennie to be his friend and this is not because of Lennie’s potency in helping to get them jobs but so he wouldn’t live in solitude. George’s threats to Lennie are never serious since he is proud of him most of the time. George and Lennie have the same dream and their dream is to own lands and they’re also very determined in working hard so that they can get the money that’s needed in buying the land. George tends to be very honest with the people that he is close to or trusts. This is clearly evident when he tells Slim that he used to play tricks on Lennie in the past but he feels culpable about it now. George’s personality is frequently reflected through his rage and compassion. He also tends to be the one who often thinks things through a...

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