Of Mice And Men Vulgar Language Essay

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Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, focuses in on the life and experiences of two wanderers named Lennie and George. These two souls traveled together in 20th century america during the Great Depression. Essentially, giving the reader insight into what was going on at the time, no filters. Steinbeck uses racial slurs, vulgar language and violence to bring his characters to life and make them more believable.Seemingly having a vivid picture in the reader's mind of events that occur throughout the course of the book. Of course, many seem to have taken offense to this fact simply because of the books vulgar language. The mature language of the book would turn one or their parents away. The book exposes the reader to new concepts that may have been appropriate to …show more content…

Although Of Mice and Men is a literary classic, it is also a frequently banned book in many schools and libraries in the United States already. One of the main reasons being the use of euthanasia. Specifically, when George kills Lennie, his best friend. The practice is already illegal in most countries, and to portray it on a book for people to read is just unacceptable. However, the vulgarity used in the book should not be overlooked. Many readers find the language inappropriate and think the book might leave people thinking it is OK to speak like that. John Steinbeck’s use of words is to express the way people talked in the 1930’s. Vulgar words were used more frequently than not, and John Steinbeck got his point of history across very well by including them. Despite

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